What does the Praxis 5025 online course consist of?
This is an online course fully aligned with the Praxis Early Childhood 5025 test. Our online course includes:
The full digital study guide (200 pages).
Detailed content sections for all sections of the test, so you understand everything covered on the exam.
Detailed videos for all the skills covered in every content category on the exam, so you can see exactly how to work through each type of problem you will see on the test.
Practice test questions organized by skill, so you can practice the specific skills for each type of test question you’ll see on the exam.
Detailed answer explanations for every test question in the study guide, so you know exactly why you answered correctly or incorrectly.
Online test practice that mimics the Praxis 5025.
A Good Words List to use when evaluating test questions, so you can quickly identify the correct answers and eliminate incorrect answers.
Test tips and strategies specific to the exam, so you can think like a test maker and pass your exam the first time.
A two-hour recorded webinar you can use as an audio course.
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Digital courses are for one user only. Sharing login or account information for LMS.kathleenjasper.com with other users is a violation of our copyright. Online course enrollment can NOT be transferred from one user to another. Once a user purchases an online course, the course belongs to that user based on name and email.