School Leaders Licensure Assessment (SLLA) 6990
The proven resources you need to help pass the SLLA 6990 sooner and score higher.

The SLLA study guide includes all Prep for all content categories and the constructed-response.
The proven resources you need to help pass the SLLA 6990 sooner and score higher.
As a dedicated test prep specialist, I've supported thousands of aspiring educators to pass their teacher and leadership certification exams.
Study GuideOnline CourseAudio CourseFree WebinarTest Overview
Meet Kathleen Jasper
For the last 8 years, I've been helping prospective teachers and school leaders pass their certification exams and get the positions they want in education.
To date, I've helped over 80,000 educators during their certification journeys.
I've developed a comprehensive range of resources and products designed specifically to improve exam scores and pass rates. Below are my study guides specifically for the Praxis II 5001 Elemetary Education.
Our SLLA 6990 Resources
We offer comprehensive test prep for the SLLA 6990, including a study guide, online course, and audio course
Complete Online Course

- Complete test prep for the SLLA 6990
- Hours of video content organized by skill
- Testing tips specific to the exam
- Includes the SLLA 6990 digital study guide
- Includes the SLLA 6990 audio course
- Everything you need to pass the exam
"Took the class for SLLA, reviewed all videos, all practice quizzes, and studied for about 4 weeks- I passed by 26 pts. All I can ask for. Thank you."
Comprehensive Study Guide

- Detailed explanations for all 7 content categories
- Hundreds of practice test questions
- Testing tips specific to the exam
- Detailed answer explanations
- Comprehensive writing practice
- Two complete practice tests included
"This Resource was a godsend! As the title says, this resource was a huge help to me in preparing to take the SLLA 6990. The questions answered explanations really put into perspective how to go about taking the exam. I passed with a very good score and I definitely attribute part of that to this study guide!"
Detailed Audio Course

- Covers all 7 subtests of the SLLA 6990
- Offers convenient and flexible learning
- Easily accessible on your phone
- Learn while cleaning, walking, or driving
- Perfect for auditory learners
- Pairs best with the study guide
"I felt fully prepared and confident when taking the SLLA, which I passed successfully the first time. I have already recommended this to colleagues who are taking the test. Thank you doesn't sum up how grateful I am to have come across this resource."
Let customers speak for us
Your SLLA 6990 FAQs Answered
Is the SLLA 6990 hard to pass?
The SLLA 6990 is a complex exam designed to measure the skills an entry-level school administrator needs to be competent in a school leadership position. The test is aligned with the Professional Standards for Educational Leaders (PSEL).
While the test is for entry-level school administrators, it is a lengthy, difficult exam and will require you to be proficient in many areas of educational leadership. The test is scenario-based, meaning you will be required to read lengthy situational questions and then choose the best answer based on national standards in school leadership.
There are four constructed-response questions that will require you to write an essay in response to leadership scenarios where you will have to apply strategic leadership approaches to a variety of situations.
You will have four hours total to complete the exam. The test is timed separately for the selected-response and constructed-response sections. You will have 165 minutes to complete the selected-response section and 75 minutes to complete the constructed-response section.
There are 120 selected-response questions and four constructed-response questions. The seven content categories covered on the exam are:
- Strategic Leadership - 20 questions
- Instructional Leadership - 27 questions
- Climate and Cultural Leadership - 22 questions
- Ethical Leadership - 19 questions
- Organizational Leadership - 16 questions
- Community Engagement Leadership - 16 questions
- Analysis Constructed-Response - 4 questions
Perhaps the most difficult part of the exam is the writing portion. You will have to apply your knowledge of all the content categories assessed to four different scenarios. These questions often include large, complicated data sets you will evaluate to make leadership decisions.
What's the passing score for the SLLA 6990?
Each state sets the passing score for the SLLA 6990. Therefore, we recommend locating your state’s specific requirements for this exam.
To keep things simple, we recommend scoring at least a 75% on the practice tests before you go in to take the exam. Getting 75% of the questions correctly when you practice indicates you are ready to take the actual test. Remember, each section of the exam is scored separately. If you would like to learn more about how Praxis exams are scored, check out this blog.
Does the study guide have the same questions as the real exam?
While our study guide is aligned with the test, it is against testing policy to share items on the actual exam. State tests are secure, standardized, and heavily regulated.
There are hundreds of test questions in the item banks for each exam. When you take the exam, your version of the test will be different from other versions and will have questions randomly pulled from the item banks. This ensures test security, validity, and reliability. Trying to memorize what you think will be on your test is an exercise in futility. Instead, you should study the skills and content outlined in the specifications and blueprint of the exam. To learn more about this, watch this video.
Everything in our study guide is aligned with the test specifications and blueprint for the exam. That way, you can review how the test is designed and what skills are assessed. In fact, the questions in our study guide are structured similarly to what you will encounter on test day.
Is this the best Resource for the SLLA 6990?
We are the leader in preparation for the SLLA 6990. We believe our reources are the very best you can purchase to prepare for the SLLA 6990.
The online course contains hours of video tutorials covering all of the content and kills assessed on the exam. It includes the digital study guide and the audio course, so you have everything you need to prepare.
The study guide is sectioned out by each content category, and within those categories, we’ve aligned all of the information to the test specifications and blueprint. This ensures you are studying what you will see on test day–nothing more, nothing less.
In each section, practice items align specifically with the skills you just studied, so you can see exactly what a question for that skill or content will be like on test day. In addition, we have detailed answer explanations for every question in our study guide.
The audio course is perfect if you like to listen and learn while cleaning the house or walking outside. If you are an auditory learner, the audio course is perfect for you.
Don't forget, when you buy the online course, you get everything: videos, digital study guide, and audio course.
Does the study guide contain practice tests?
Yes. There is a full-length practice test at the end of the study guide. There are also mini quizzes after each content category. All of the questions are categorized by skill and contain detailed answer explanations.
How long should I study for the SLLA 6990?
People have a range of skill levels when it comes to this test, so it is difficult for us to tell you exactly how long you need to study. Because this test covers expansive content, we recommend short, incremental practice over time. This is much better than cramming all your studying into one or two weekends. Using 20-30-minute study sessions over 2-3 weeks is ideal.
We also recommend you practice your writing skills for this test. Our materials contain sample prompts and practice for this task.
Can I become an assistant principal by passing the SLLA 6990?
States use the SLLA 6990 to certify school administrators, so this exam is one of the steps you will take to gain your professional leadership certificate. However, every state has its own requirements that include advanced degrees in instructional leadership, minimum teaching experience, and other standards set by the state.It is important that you visit your state’s Department of Education website and find out exactly what you’re required to do before registering for the exam or buying materials.
What other materials should I use along with this study guide?
The exam is aligned with the Professional Standards for Educational Leaders (PSEL). These standards were designed by the National Policy Board Educational Administration (NPBEA). You should access their website, get to know the standards, and reference them when studying for the test. Many of the questions come directly from these standards. We reference these standards throughout the study guide.
FREE SLLA 6990 Resources
Learn everything you need to pass the SLLA 6990 with my free webinar. The webinar comes with a free study guide and practice test. In the webinar, I go over test structure, strategy, and content, so you can pass your exam fast.