Praxis Teaching Reading 5205

This webinar contains a full course and a free study guide. Be sure to download the study guide and follow along in the video. We have additional Praxis 5205 resources below.

Need more help with your Praxis Teaching Reading 5205 exam? We have a comprehensive study guide for this exam. 

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Praxis Teaching Reading 5205 - Digital Study Guide


What does the Praxis 5205 study guide consist of?

This study guide is aligned with the Praxis Teaching Reading 5205 blueprint and specifications and contains scenarios and practice test questions similar to what you will see on the new exam.

With over 250 practice test questions and detailed answer explanations, this study guide is all you need for the test.

This study guide includes:

  • Detailed sections for every content area of the exam, so you understand everything covered on the test.
  • Two full-length practice tests at the end of the study guide to assess your knowledge and skills.
  • Ten practice test questions after each objective, so you can practice the specific skills for each type of test question you’ll see on the exam.
  • An extra practice test with 20 questions just for the assessments portion of the exam, so you are fully prepared for test questions that concentrate on using student data to make instructional decisions.
  • Detailed answer explanations for every test question in the study guide, so you know exactly why you answered correctly or incorrectly.
  • Multiple scenarios and explanations similar to the ones you will see on the exam, so you are prepared for complex questions on test day.
  • Test tips and strategies specific to the Teacher Reading 5205, so you can think like a test maker and can pass the first time.
  • A Good Words List with phrases to look for in the answer choices, so you can identify the correct answers and eliminate incorrect answers quickly.
  • Three constructed-response questions with sample responses, so you can practice the writing and see what an effective response looks like.
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